Stone Fusion
PO Box 347 - Danboro, PA. 18916
215.778.3463 -


In working with several manufacturers and suppliers, we are always able to meet your design and budgetary needs. We offer a full range of services including:


Patios Patios


Walkways Walkways


Wall Systems Wall Systems


Driveways Driveways



Pool Aprons Pool Aprons


Stairs Stairs


Landscaping Landscaping


Drainage Drainage


Lighting Lighting



Interlocking Pavers Interlocking Pavers


Natural Stone Natural Stone


Flagstone Flagstone


Fireplace Fireplace


Outdoor Kitchen Outdoor Kitchen



EP Henry Affiliate


CST Pavers


Rinox Affiliate


Licensed & Insured


Techo-Bloc Affiliate


DesignW3 website